Farm fresh eggs
How different can they really be? Much different, most eggs sold in stores are nutritionally inferior, and its easy to understand why. When chickens are given nutrient dense food, clean air, clean water, and room to roam its no wonder farm fresh eggs can have 4 times the nutrient value of standard eggs.
Nutrient Dense Feed – The flock spends most of the year free ranging on pasture for insects, greens, seeds, etc. During the coldest parts of winter, we do keep them inside and supplement their diet. We supplement this diet with a whole grains and excess produce from other areas of the farm.
Clean Air – On our farm we provide our chickens with well ventilated coops that remain low in fecal dust often associated with large scale poultry operations. Chickens are especially sensitive to dusty conditions that impact their respiratory system. Which is why we manage our flock the way we do to insure they remain happy and healthy.
Freedom to Roam – Each day the chickens are released in the morning to roam the farm. They spend the day hunting down insects and small mammals, and just running around being chickens foraging for food. The ability to get out of the coop provides many benefits to the health of the chicken including reduced stress and more nutrients in the eggs.
When chickens are happy and healthy with a nutrient dense diet, it results in a nutrient dense egg. Mother Earth News did a study of 14 producers and the results speak for themselves.
Test results – Compared to standard USDA eggs, free range eggs were shown to have
*1/4 less Saturated Fat
*2 times more Omega 3
*3 times more Vitamin E
*7 times more Beta Carotene
*2/3 more Vitamin A
*1/3 less Cholesterol
-Reference Mother Earth News (
For a happy healthy family, give our eggs a try. You will love them!